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AbfyJewelers Press releases

1 - 6 of 6 Press Releases

Jul 02, 2012
The telecom industry has existed since1967 , the earlier form often referred to as the “ Internetting Projects “ as it was in the form of several “nets” connected to a major one called the Arpanet . The inventors have mostly been recognized.

Jun 15, 2012
CEO of ABFY JEWELERS and self proclaimed Inventor of the INTERNET now on "Justice Watch" . She says patent application for business method entitled ACCESSING ACCESSIBILITY PROCESS instrumental in developing the Internet is set for review by BPAI .

Apr 28, 2012
D.M. Hartman who is Black and Female claims to be the true inventor of the Internet and that her identity and intellectual property rights have been suppressed for 20 years by the U.S. government using illegal acts .

Oct 21, 2011
This Blog is really worth a good look . Not only is it a good read and offers you an opportunity to comment , but also offers constructive information . Some information leads to additional resources .

Oct 05, 2011
The world lost a telecommunications giant today when Steve Jobs , inventor of Ipad , Iphone ,and Ipod passed away at the age of 56 . However his legacy lives on in the release of the latest Apple Iphone 4S - long awaited as the Apple Iphone 5

Sep 17, 2011
Hotter than lava rocks is the growth of smartphones , laptops , tablets , readers and other on-the-go tech gadgets . ABFYJewelers is now diversifying its wares by adding top electronics offering them at competitive prices on the Internet.

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