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Albanian Minerals Press releases

61 - 70 of 288 Press Releases

Nov 11, 2011
Albanian Minerals President and CEO Sahit Muja said that "The Global demand for gold remains strong despite increasing prices for the precious metal"

Nov 11, 2011
Sahit Muja: I want my President to scale back the regulations that are choking off whatever left we have of an economy.

Nov 10, 2011
Albanian Minerals President and CEO Sahit Muja said that "I know there will be no U.S., attack on Iran during Obama's Presidency".

Nov 09, 2011
Sahit Muja: Obama's "tax the rich" rhetoric is a slap in the face to anyone who is a real American and believes in the American dream.

Nov 08, 2011
Sahit Muja: President Obama also needs to do something about The culture we are breeding in The US which encourages people to depend on the government system to survive

Nov 07, 2011
This new complaint obviously is coming from a woman who wants to bring Mr.Cain down.

Nov 07, 2011
Albanian Minerals CEO Sahit Muja said that "A further gain in copper shipments to China would support copper prices in London, where the copper prices has fallen"

Nov 06, 2011
Albanian Minerals President and CEO Sahit Muja said "The politicians in Washington and President Obama are to be blamed for this current economic nightmare".

Nov 05, 2011
Sahit Muja: It is time for all Muslim to take responsibility and show the world that Islam is a religion of Peace.

Nov 04, 2011
Sahit Muja: The time has come for Republicans to act on leading role and support Governor Rick Perry to become the President of the United States.

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