Dec 27, 2010
FlexiSPY Ltd announced today the long awaited release of its popular spy phone application for Android phones as well. Flexispy's new application is the only one of its kind capable of true live call interception and remote eavesdropping.
Mar 12, 2010
FlexiSPY releases Tiger Woods inspired mobile phone privacy protection software.
Mar 09, 2010
Flexispy Releases Free Google Android Mobile Phone Spy Software
Nov 02, 2009
New spyphone software converts BlackBerry smartphones into spy phones with an incredible array of features. Call intercept (phone tap) has been added to ‘spy call’ microphone remote control, GPS, SMS, email, and call log capture and archiving.
Aug 12, 2009
New iPhone spyphone software includes phone tap call intercept in addition to monitoring SMS, Email, Call Logs and GPS Location.
Jul 20, 2009
Groundbreaking iPhone technology can remotely control 3G and 3GS models to turn on the microphone and allow users to listen from another phone. Spy call software is undetectable, and includes intercept of SMS, email, call log activity, GPS location.