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LIBSYS Limited Press releases

1 - 5 of 5 Press Releases

Feb 07, 2013
LIBSYS7, an offering of LIBSYS Ltd., is library management system that was developed for automating libraries across India and overseas. Its functionality is enhanced by means of modules like Acquisition, Cataloging, Circulation, and Serials.

Sep 24, 2012
Library Software provides robust and reliable solution for all the needs of your library. In addition to improving the efficiency, the advanced technologies employed by it help in providing security of the physical database from theft.

Aug 07, 2012
RFID based library management software is a wireless technology to retrieve data from books, without having the need of any contact to them. The system automates the process of item identification and tracking and prevents stealing of items.

Jul 21, 2012
EM system for library is a sophisticated technology that provides high security to libraries from theft and tampering.A highly permeable tag is placed in the gutter area of the books.

Jul 04, 2012
LIBSYS is a widely used library automation system and is laced with in-depth functionality and value-added features. This GUI-based software provides the users with different modules related to data acquisition, cataloguing, circulation etc.

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