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HGRBS Press releases

1 - 10 of 10 Press Releases

Mar 07, 2017
The free online 2-week crash course "Protocol & Performance" has recently been successfully upgraded to cater to U.S. private home heads interested in making the best contract-related decisions, for the best contractors, for the best results!

Feb 02, 2017
This is to announce the HGRBS campaign for assembling crucial consumer links to government and private agencies for key public information about contractors/contract firms to facilitate residents making best and safest decisions about contractors.

May 29, 2016
This is to announce that in association with HGRBS, private home decision makers of the State of Washington now have a new website specialized in troubleshooting and overcoming common contract-related challenges in home improvement.

Apr 23, 2016
["Private Home Decision Makers U.S.A. - Road to the Future, TODAY" is a new podcast show via Blog Talk Radio. The show emphasizes more self-empowerment among U.S.private home decision makers in contract-related home maintenance and improvement.

Jan 05, 2016
The original flagship site (HGRBS) and associated were intra-audited and synonymously redesigned consistent with discovery of where such redesigns were needed. There were high expectations for reopening them prior to New Year’s Day.

Oct 11, 2015
In recognition of the actuality that private home dwellers either own, rent, or lease their homes, it was found that the phrase “homeowners and homerenters” was far too inaccurate as description of the HGRBS national constituency.

Jul 17, 2015
American homeowners and homerenters are urged to go online for the new aggressive home improvement study which potentially saves residents of the private home sector thousands, hundreds of thousands, upwards to a few million dollars.

Jun 29, 2015
This Summary Statement marks the official assemblage of the online ultra-modern home improvement crash course "Protocol & Performance." It is now a permanent 24/7 study for making better decisions and getting better results on home projects. Crucial.

May 24, 2015
American homeowners and homerenters are encouraged to remember to mark their calendars for "June 8, 2015" for the kickoff of the free online ultra-modern home maintenance and improvement crash course on contractor selection, hiring, and more!

May 07, 2015
[This controversial ultra-modern home improvement course free of charge for those who are legitimate American homeowners/ homerenters. The free online course is slated to begin on June 8, 2015. All decision makers U.S. private homes are invited.