Jun 22, 2010
Now offering the ultimate snow experience… in fact, it’s so magical, it’s SnowMagic®! Snow exactly when and where you need it; even indoor snowmaking is possible, allowing venues to add a snow attraction where one might least expect them.
Jun 18, 2010
Now it's always snowing in the Sunshine State
May 25, 2010
From the Sugar White Beaches of the Gulf to the Beige Desert Sands in Nevada, the Sky is No Longer the Limit with "Cloud-Like" Advertising
Mar 25, 2010
The debut of the FoamMasters X-Stream Cannon Foam Machine at the 2010 George Lindsey UNA Film Festival’s “Back to the Future” reunion coincided with the appearance of a DeLorean time machine replica.
Feb 18, 2010
Clubs, theatres, bands, entertainers, amusement and theme parks, business speakers, sporting events and more are utilizing the latest in a dazzling and interactive special effects technology called cryogenics.
Jan 18, 2010
A leading worldwide special effects company renowned for turning heads of the masses with its snow, cryo, fog, bubbles and scent products, is now turning effects equipment with its new Zig Oscillator.