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Special Guests, Inc. Press releases

21 - 30 of 61 Press Releases

Nov 07, 2012
Arrest, convict and impeach, over high crimes and treason and thwarding the U.S. Constitution, not the least of the crimes occured in Libya wherein Obama looked the other way while Muslim terrorists murdered Americans.

Sep 28, 2012
A just-released pre-trailer about a film telling the story of recconciliation between a father and a son, based on the timeless parable of The Prodigal Son.

Sep 06, 2012
The restless son of a decent dad decides to take his inheritance early to see the world--his way--in stark contrast to his dad's 'antiquated' ways. Lessons are learned along the way and he returns a more humble man an recconciles with his dad.

Aug 05, 2012
Has the US made a prearranged marriage to Mitt Romney? Few people seem to love Romney but they are planning on voting for him anyway as an "Anyone but Obama" vote. So why cast a "NoBama" vote when the Constitution Party candidate is viable?

Aug 05, 2012
Conservative Democrat Mark Clayton won the TN Primary for US Senate yet was shunned by mainstream Democrat Party since his platform was more conservatie than the Republican. Mainstream Democrats are wondering what to do. Will they vote GOP this time?

Aug 05, 2012
4 news stories: Legless man makes Olympic history, Obama's approval rating surges in DC and Hawaii but tanks in 37 states, Persecution of Chrisians reaches record high, and Olympic medalist Gabby Douglas' last name rearranged spells USA Gold!

Jul 23, 2012
Politicians like John McCain and John Boehner have demanded “proof” regarding Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s allegations that Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin has connections and family ties with the Muslim Brotherhood. Here's the proof.

Jul 23, 2012
The sheer fear of extending Barack Obama another 4 years may be nearly too much to bear, leading to the temptation to compromise to “hold your nose” and vote for Mitt Romney, but a moral vote for President is better: Virgil Goode or Tom Hoefling

Jul 18, 2012
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced the results of his Cold Case Posse investigation, concluding Obama's birth certificate is a forgery and Hawaii is a national security threat due to it still issuing Hawaiian birth certificates to virtually anyone

Jul 09, 2012
The illness: Today's fast-paced, overstressed world. The prescription: A vacation in Italy

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