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TeleForwarding USA Inc. Press releases

11 - 20 of 22 Press Releases

Oct 12, 2012
TeleForwarding explains why its toll free numbers are the perfect match for the international automotive industry.

Sep 18, 2012
The international transportation industry currently faces several issues such as globalization, economic crises, driver shortages and communication issues. TeleForwarding explains how international toll free numbers help tackle these problems.

Jul 17, 2012
Availability and communication are important topics for companies in the travel industry. TeleForwarding shows how toll free numbers will help these companies improve their (telephone) availability and distinguish themselves from the competition.

May 22, 2012
Can you imagine driving your car without a dashboard? Would you feel safe without a dashboard monitoring&control mechanism? Probably not. But then why don't we use a control mechanism for our call traffic? TeleForwarding's dashboard as an answer.

Apr 27, 2012
Recenlty, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that American exports continue to grow. Still, 58% of these exporters export to only one country. TeleForwarding explains how toll free numbers increase your export to multiple countries.

Apr 06, 2012
As of today, TeleForwarding is listed in the Call Center Buyer’s Guide of the ICMI. With this guide the International Customer Management Institute provides an online resource of providers of call center technologies and solutions.

Feb 29, 2012
At last it has happened: TeleForwarding Inc. USA has officially been listed as Service Provider at the International Telecommunication Union. This enables TeleForwarding to further realize its motto: "Connecting Global Business to Local People."

Feb 01, 2012
Toll free 0800 customer service numbers are widely accepted and used in the United States. In Europe, on the contrary, Premium Rate Numbers still dominate customer service contact. Lately, however, things are changing. TeleForwarding explains.

Jan 18, 2012
“When little boys grow up…” TeleForwarding, the telecommunications company, specialized in providing freephone services (UIFN/ITFN) and Premium Rate Numbers, has grown too big for its first office and recently moved to a new Amsterdam office.

Dec 21, 2011
A cultural attitude problem is currently dominating political debates in Europe, namely the ‘culture of unmotivated students'. This problem deepens the gulf between education and business and as such is a danger to corporate innovation.

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