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U.S. Sugar Corporation Press releases

1 - 4 of 4 Press Releases

Mar 21, 2011
Following devastating freezes at both ends of the harvest season, US Sugar harvested 5.63 million tons of sugarcane, which yielded 631,000 tons of sugar and 38 million gallons of molasses--a 10% decrease compared to last year's crop

Dec 17, 2010
U.S. Sugar said that five nights of below freezing temperatures over the last ten days severely damaged its sugarcane crop. 100% of the crop has been impacted to some extent by the extended hours of below freezing temperatures. Citrus also impacted

Nov 22, 2010
The Florida Supreme Court dismissed Florida Crystal’s and the Miccosukee Tribe’s appellate petition for an administrative hearing on the SFWMD's (SFWMD) decision to purchase U.S. Sugar land for restoration. Ruling cited "legal insufficiency"

Nov 18, 2010
Florida Supreme Court rejects rival Florida Crystals' opposition and unanimously affirms bond validation and overwhelming public purpose of US Sugar land acqusition for Everglades restoration.

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