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DEAD-STOP.COM Press releases

1 - 10 of 14 Press Releases

Jan 17, 2013
Self defense is on you - it is your responsibility how ever you go about it

Dec 02, 2012
The best self defense includes being aware of your surroundings and not going places that can be potentially dangerous, but not all situations are easy to recognize or avoid.

Aug 26, 2012
In today's world you can never be too safe you can never have enough Security we can never be too safe you need be aware of your surroundings what's going on around you have the tools you need to defend yourself in any given situation.

Jul 05, 2012
Considerations when using the new pepper spray which are improved natural ingredients with no permanent long-lasting damage highly advanced several added benefits and much more effective make it the best person protection

Jul 03, 2012
The new pepper sprays are for more advanced than it's predecessors being much more effective and a lot less invasive to humans and animals. Thus everybody wins except criminals and attackers.

May 19, 2012
A little history on Mace and Mace products how they work and the best place to get these products with super fast shipping and free shipping on orders over $50.00

May 08, 2012
Legally you can't buy tear gas who would want to when there are much better choices thanks to science and the American way

May 03, 2012
To many laws and regulations it is an ongoing process trying to keep up with pepper spray and stun gun laws.

May 01, 2012
My views on some of the laws on guns and pepper spray disclaimer the comments given here are my own and not necessarily correct or up to date

Apr 24, 2012
THE RUNT is easily concealable, and virtually undetectable in the hand of a woman or a man.

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