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Moment to Moment Enterprises Press releases

51 - 60 of 113 Press Releases

Feb 08, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss opines that optimists need to learn to check their EGO at the door. Having an ego to protect focuses one on pessimism. Optimists learn to live outside the ego focused on solving problems, accomplishing goals, and helping others.

Feb 01, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss explains how the Egyptian protest movement against the Mubarak government in favor of democracy is a another chance to show how a pessimistic moment precedes an optimistic one; presents a problem that is an optimistic opportunity.

Jan 28, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss explains that the Bible Story of Esau and Jacob has much to teach us about giving away and disrespecting our self-worth for a momentary desire or temptation. He asks that we consider the value of our self-worth before trading it away.

Jan 27, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss asks the question: Where does self-worth come from? Does it come from the outside or from within? He discusses the deficits of externally derived self-worth and highlights the spiritual benefits of internally derived self-worth.

Jan 25, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss calls upon everyone to become a mentor. January is National Mentoring Month. Here are 10 tips for how to build a rewarding and positive mentoring relationship. Mentoring enhances self-worth and helps everyone be all they can be!

Jan 24, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss encourages everyone to "Be a Mentor for Optimism." January is National Mentoring Month. Acceptance is the key to being a positive mentor. A climate of acceptance allows for an honest self-assessment that leads to personal growth.

Jan 23, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss has issued ten quotes to take you from January thru December of 2011 with optimism. Share these quotes far and wide to help others maintain a spirit of optimism for the rest of the year. Learn to lead and live with a positive view.

Jan 21, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss asks: Is the term "optimistic government" and oxymoron? Has gridlock jaded us into a state of permanent governmental pessimism? Did Governor Snyder's "State of the State of Michigan" address shine a light for optimism in government?

Jan 20, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss offers eight innovative tips to help lose weight and feel better physically and mentally. Weight loss is really all about doing more with less, more or less. Sometimes more is better than less, but most often less is better than more.

Jan 18, 2011
Dr. Russ Buss writes that the current economic downturn is a "Golden Opportunity" to learn that living with less promotes more optimism rather than less. When we do more with less we have to be more resourceful which builds self-confidence.

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