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e-End Press releases

1 - 10 of 10 Press Releases

May 14, 2015
Ping, ping, ping… You know what that sound means. It’s a hacker trying to break in through your front door. They want to reach your network, which is securing valuable data.

May 06, 2015
Area residents and businesses help to keep unused devices from ending up in the landfill

Apr 01, 2015
Make April the time to empty out your storage rooms of end-of-life electronics & IT assets

Dec 23, 2014
Year-end contributions of old PCs, laptops and cell phones could cost you thousands -- even jail time -- due to these devices being loaded with confidential information.

Oct 01, 2014
e-End, a Frederick, MD firm which specializes in electronics recycling and secure data destruction for businesses and government agencies throughout the mid-Atlantic states, announced today that they have been awarded R2:2013, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001...

Aug 11, 2014
e-End of Frederick provides data security services to federal agencies and other companies for the prevention of data breaches.

Jun 10, 2014
e-End helps to keep electronics and hazardous waste out of the landfill

Apr 17, 2014
If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to empty your homes and offices of those old, unused electronics you’ve got stockpiled, e-End is providing residents and businesses the chance to protect the environment by properly recycling them.

Dec 31, 2013
As a way to say thank you to our clients for a wonderful 2013, e-End is giving you a limited-time opportunity to trade in your old computers for cash.

Dec 23, 2013
Each year sensitive corporate data is compromised as companies donate outdated business equipment to charities, non-profits and various community organizations.

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