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WorkSnaps Time Tracking System Press releases

81 - 90 of 97 Press Releases

Jun 18, 2013
Remote work is on the rise, no one will argue with that. This has resulted in the birth of numerous tools that aim to help managers ensure productivity of their virtual employees. Two popular time tracking tools are Worksnaps & Time Doctor.

May 31, 2013
As more and more projects are bootstrapped by utilizing talent around the globe, we feel that Worksnaps can help startup founders better manage their remote resources and improve productivity and accountability of their remote teams.

May 01, 2013
We are happy to announce that Worksnaps now works with Redmine. Redmine is a free and open source, web-based project management and bug-tracking tool.

Apr 30, 2013
I can't say enough about the employees and just how much they love their job. Whoever does their human resources is doing an outstanding job. In addition to just having nice people, I was amazed by a number of additional things at Disney as well.

Apr 09, 2013
There's an old saying about "all work and no play" and it seems there is some truth to it. While there is a time to work and a time to play, sometimes we need to inject a little fun into our workday in order to meet deadlines and work efficiently.

Apr 05, 2013
Our engineers have worked hard to make the software architecture to be one that supports distributed services.

Mar 19, 2013
We were honored to be a part of the Everywhere Else Conference last February in Memphis, TN. It was an amazing experience to be in the same room with so many other like minded people, those with lofty ambitions of changing the world with their startup.

Mar 06, 2013
"Think from the workers' perspective, they want to ensure that an hour worked is an hour paid. Worksnaps helps to achieve that by allowing them to prove their work hours. Accurate time tracking is to the best interest of both sides."

Feb 22, 2013
A frequently-raised concern about using Worksnaps to track time is about privacy.

Feb 13, 2013
One of the biggest reasons for lost wages amongst freelancers and those who must log their hours to be paid is lack of adequate time tracking.

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