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Kenneth Stepp Press releases

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Apr 08, 2014
What love does is such a wonderful discussion to have. Love, the real thing is always present, if it was ever present. It never goes away once allowed to enter one's heart, soul, and life. I know. I'm living it. So, I write to understand better.

Apr 07, 2014
This morning has already been an interesting day. And all before 7:00 AM too. Sitting in my den. It’s dark outside and the rain is pouring loudly. There is something magical to me about the sound of rain.

Apr 06, 2014
I have been wanting to wrap my mind around this subject for so long now. Is today the day? I honestly doubt it. But, I feel compelled to try, so while I attempt to stumble through this thought in the few words this space allows, sit back and relax.

Mar 26, 2014
It seems that love is my topic every day. When I think too long, it's always about love. I want to fully understand this complex phenomenon. Writing is my tool.

Mar 18, 2014
For about a tear, all I have thought of, for the most part, is "love". Not the "I love you" thing on the second date. But real love, forever and unconditional. This is just my thoughts this morning.

Mar 17, 2014
Single life above forty is said to be like dancing in a mine field. After over a year of it, I have to agree. It’s nothing like it was when I was young.

Mar 10, 2014
Politics are changing.... Or so I hear from so many voices. Is it true? I am going to say yes. But with an explanation and a warning or two.

Mar 07, 2014
I founded American Angel Works, a nonprofit I had hoped that would be a tool for me to help change one life at a time. Some of my stories about real love have come from this organization.

Mar 05, 2014
Have you put life in park long enough to think about aging? I am an overthinker. Maybe the worst one I have ever seen. At times it feels like I am outside my life looking in, then at other times it feels like I live in another dimension.

Feb 28, 2014
This is a story of a rescue mission I went on the February 2014. She was a homeless girl. Stuck on the streets, scared and hungry. I decided I had to help.

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