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Sociomo Services Press releases

1 - 10 of 14 Press Releases

Jan 13, 2012
Now that you know what customers you want to reach and you have all of the ideas, problems and solutions that you would like to share. How does that translate to getting more out of your Social Media?

Jan 11, 2012
Who are you trying to reach and why? The key to all success in 2012 with Social Media is to define at least 5 types of customers to reach.

Jan 09, 2012
The key to getting more out of your Social Media to learn how to separate out "good" and "bad" ideas. What makes a "good" idea good and what makes a "bad" idea bad? Is it based on the problems that it solves or is it based on the audiences you want?

Jan 04, 2012
Multiple brainstorming sessions for a lot of ideas and defining problems for Social Media to solve a key to getting more out of your Social Media in 2012!

Jan 03, 2012
What problems can social media solve for you is key to getting more out of your Social Media in 2012!

Dec 28, 2011
Sociomo took a look at 14 top brands on Twitter and were amazed to see how much more revenue could be earned if these brands would only turn their Twitter accounts into proper CRM databases.

Dec 28, 2011
Less is less and more is more when it comes to Social Media. The best things that you can do are to create an amazing number of strategies for your Social Media in 2012.

Dec 26, 2011
Sociomo shows three reports for major corporations that show the amazing results that how to generate direct sales results from Social Media.

Dec 26, 2011
Ideas are a dime a dozen. But what makes a good idea when brainstorming about how to get the most out of your Social Media in 2012?

Dec 25, 2011
While this clip from YouTube shows how there are definite surprises in Social Media, we help you dig into the data of Social Media so that you can enhance that good surprises and handle the potential bad surprises with ease and within 24 hours.

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