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Super Tao Inc Press releases

51 - 60 of 79 Press Releases

Mar 01, 2012
As I wrote about here nearly a year and a half ago, Roger Federer’s fall from the top spot in the world of tennis was precipitated by a loss of confidence, not a diminution of his tennis playing skills. Federer, not surprisingly

Feb 13, 2012
It never ceases to amaze me how much time is wasted by people worrying about things that are beyond their control. Yet when it comes to taking care of things that are completely within their control, they tend to procrastinate. The average human is

Jan 23, 2012
I often talk about the importance of culture and character in building a team, whether it is in sports or in business. Despite overwhelming evidence that point to the importance of both of these factors in sustained success, very few teams

Jan 06, 2012
Last year I wrote an entry with the same title here that focused on my disdain for New Year’s resolutions and preference for New Year’s goals instead. It is often said that goals are simply dreams with a timeline. I have used “S.M.A.R.T”

Dec 15, 2011
The brawl that took place in the final seconds of the annual “Crosstown Shootout” basketball game between the University of Cincinnati and 8th ranked Xavier University this past weekend was regrettable and embarrassing. There was even

Dec 01, 2011
Calling Oregon head football coach Chip Kelly reckless is no different than calling Copernicus, Abraham Lincoln or Joseph Lister reckless. During Copernicus’ time, conventional wisdom was that the Earth was at the center of the Solar System.

Nov 08, 2011
I first heard this phrase used in describing college football when I was a teenager. I’m not sure who originated this saying, but I have seen this play out year after year ever since then. We just completed the first weekend of games in November

Oct 17, 2011
I teach my clients to take umbrage when anyone calls them talented. It is an insult of the highest order. At best, it devalues all the hard work and effort they have put in to get where they are, and at worst, it is like calling them

Oct 05, 2011
I was encouraged to read in yesterday’s newspaper that Rick Neuheisel decided to take responsibility for failing to communicate that he wanted his punter to kick the ball out of bounds, resulting in an 85-yard return for a “Momentum-swinging

Sep 16, 2011
Like most viewers of college football, I have always enjoyed watching exciting players like Denard Robinson play the game. Nearly every year it seems like there are a few players who are so compelling to watch, that you root for them regardless of

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