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212, Inc. Press releases

1 - 5 of 5 Press Releases

Apr 30, 2013
212 Inc. a Boston area based sales and direct marketing firm raises money to benefit charity for vicitims of Boston Marathon bombings.

Apr 30, 2013
212 Inc. a Boston are direct sales and marketing firm raises money for local family.

Nov 08, 2012
Members of 212 joined together at the stadium at Brown University to play a friendly charity flag football game. Participants donated an entry fee of $10 to play.

Oct 23, 2012
Members of 212 will join other companies, friend, family and members of the community in a charity Halloween party for the cause.

Oct 02, 2012
Over the years the company has expanded to over five times its founding size and expects to continue its growth in the months and years to come.

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