Apr 12, 2011
Independent digital media producer, 2b Acting, introduces a novel way of using mobile Apps to support Actors.
Feb 24, 2011
Yorkshire independent digital media producer, 2b Acting, is making ‘Today & Tomorrow, their online drama, available to the media market place.
Jan 05, 2011
A three minute weekly soap drama defines a new way of watching soaps for the “no time” online generation.
Dec 02, 2010
Today 2b Acting announced the release of their FASTgreek language learning App on the Android Market and compares the experience with the release of the same App on the iTunes App store.
Apr 19, 2010
Yorkshire independent digital media producer, 2b Acting, has made ‘Today & Tomorrow – Going back’, the first episode of their online drama, available on Amazon’s Video On Demand.
Dec 03, 2009
TV Special marks Yorkshire’s contribution to the channels success.
Aug 11, 2009
Promotion plans for the new play SPIKE have been ruined now that the Met Office has changed the weather forecast for the summer.
Jul 16, 2009
SPIKE, one game, one world, one chance. Inspired by true events.
Jan 03, 2009
Independent Yorkshire based video production company 2bacting releases their weekly Soap for viewing on the Internet and Apple iPhone.
Jul 11, 2008
The popularity of the Internet has attracted TV broadcasters who are now using their extensive resource and status to corner the Internet media viewing market.