Second Federation of the Visitatation - U.S. Press releases
Apr 30, 2015
Live Jesus! In a new and uplifting video by the First and Second Federation of the Visitation, we are inspired by the tremendous lives of the Visitation Sisters, which is described beautifully: “We strive to listen to the Holy Spirit as Mary and...
Dec 01, 2014
The Sisters of the Second Federation of the Visitation are excited to offer their second free e-book.
Nov 06, 2013
Jesus calls us to follow the “straight and narrow”. But what happens when – despite our best efforts - the road we're on seems wayward and uncertain, particularly in regards to a religious vocation? The Visitation Sisters share in your journey, as...
Jul 03, 2013
The Visitation Museum in Moulins, France boasts a new exhibit that will capture your imagination and reveal new depths of devotion to the Sacred Heart.
May 05, 2011
A spirituality meant for everyday life which was developed by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal is being taught and promoted via a newly-launched website that offers both a blog and a chat room.
Apr 14, 2011
Despite the violent death of her husband and great difficulties on the part of her family while living on the estate of her father-in-law, a 17th-century French woman lived a holy life. Her name was St. Jane de Chantal.
Mar 28, 2011
Free instruction in the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal will be offered via chat on a new website.