Aug 20, 2011
Birdies for Babies is a unique program designed to help infertile couples with fertility treatments. Everyone s a winner with this endearing program. It is a perfect event for couples who enjoy golf.
Jul 31, 2011
Neurocognitive Changes in Obstructive Sleep Apnea are better controlled with oral appliances than with CPAP due to higher compliance. CPAP is excellent treatment but the majority of patients do not use it consistently resulting in poor treatment.
May 29, 2011
Dr Ira L Shapira a Gurnee Dentist and recognized expert on treating sleep apnea with oral appliances instead of CPAP lectures at the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry and at the Illinois Sleep Society.
May 20, 2011
Dr Ira L Shapira a pioneer in the field of Dental Sleep Medicine gave a full day lecture in Schaumburg to the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry on May 13, 2011. Dental Sleep Medicine offers comfortable alternatives to CPAP
May 20, 2011
Dr Ira L Shapira a pioneer in the field of Dental Sleep Medicine gave a full day lecture in Schaumburg to the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry on May 13, 2011. Dental Sleep Medicine offers comfortable alternatives to CPAP>
Apr 15, 2011
Dental Implant patients appreciate saving time and money when Dr Ira Shapira and Dr Mark Amidei place Max implants immediately after molar extractions eliminating need for bone grafting and extra surgical procedures.
Mar 31, 2011
Hate CPAP? Seek an Alternative Treatment to Protect your Health. If you have sleep apnea or disruptive snoring and do not tolerate CPAP, I HATE CPAP wants to help you find answers.
Mar 27, 2011
Talk of the Town News has awarded Delany Dental Care a 5 Star Customer Satisfaction Award. Dr Ira L Shapira and Dr Mark J Amidei and the Team at Delany Dental Care have always strived for unsurpassed excellence in patient care.
Mar 23, 2011
John Hinde the President of Air Diffusion Systems is a leading expert on improving water quality and protecting natural resources in a sustainable fashion. He has a simple and efficient solution to the Asian Carp problem.
Mar 16, 2011
People with sleep disorders need to seek treatment; otherwise their health, education, ability to work, and thereby their finances are at serious risk. To learn more about sleep apnea and treatment options go to