Feb 15, 2012
ANDTEK presents a highly scalable call distribution solution for SMEs and large corporations at the "CallCenter World 2012"
Jan 12, 2012
At the “Cisco Networkers“ in London ANDTEK presents advanced communication solutions for large companies
Nov 30, 2011
ANDTEK integrates paging and conference services into existing unified communications network
Nov 10, 2011
ANDTEK offers know-how of more than 10 years in the field of developing and integrating UC solutions and has wealth of experience resulting from a large range of international projects.
Sep 19, 2011
ANDTEK’s IP communication solutions make day-to-day work easier
Aug 18, 2011
Using ANDTEK’s solutions companies save time, improve their service and achieve higher customer satisfaction
Jul 14, 2011
With the right partner every company can achieve high profit using modern communication environments
Jun 15, 2011
Attendant console solution including Braille display for blind persons / multifunctional manager/assistant functions / flexible integration into existing environments
May 18, 2011
Visually impaired and blind persons can use ANDTEK’s attendant console solution to the full extent
Apr 21, 2011
ANDTEK’s cloud computing services offer easy access to the world of modern communication at calculable costs