Sep 29, 2010
Smokers average about four 15-minutes smoking breaks a day, wasting an employer more than a year of the smoker's working life, according to a new study, yet most employers don't reduce their pay or permit nonsmokers similar break time - ASH
Sep 28, 2010
Massachusetts’ statewide smoking ban reduced heart attacks by over 7% a year, and saved million of dollars, according to a study about to be published in the American Journal of Public Health, notes Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
Sep 21, 2010
Although the e-cig industry is eagerly awaiting oral argument Thursday before the U.S. Court of Appeals, hoping to get some inkling of how the court will rule concerning the FDA's power to regulate their product, the court may sidestep that issue
Sep 20, 2010
Despite claims by e-cigarette [e-cig] sellers that their product can be used to self administer nicotine on airplanes where smoking is prohibited, all domestic airlines ban the use of these untested products which the FDA has declared are illegal
Sep 01, 2010
The Air Force, and the Marine base at Quantico, have joined other jurisdictions in banning the use of e-cigarettes [e-cigs] at least in the workplace, citing the potential health dangers to users from toxic chemicals - Action on Smoking and Health
Aug 25, 2010
The Surgeon General of the Air Force has just issued a formal memorandum warning all personnel about the dangers of e-cigarettes [e-cigs], and noting that there use is banned wherever the smoking of conventional tobacco cigarettes is prohibited - ASH
Aug 25, 2010
The controversy over ASH's publication of a topless photo showing Catherine Zeta-Jones smoking while pregnant has been revived by an article accusing the antismoking organization of going on a "witch-hunt" over Zeta-Jones' pregnant smoking
Aug 17, 2010
Despite claims of virtually total harm reduction, a new study shows that smokers who switch from cigarettes to smokeless tobacco still have a much higher risk of death than someone who gave up nicotine entirely, notes Action on Smoking and Health
Aug 12, 2010
The head of the Royal College of General Practitioners has reminded his members that parents who smoke in cars when their kids are present may be guilty of child abuse, a situation which the Children Act 1989 requires be reported to authorities.
Aug 11, 2010
Even if replacing tobacco cigarettes with e-cigarettes [e-cigs] or snus significantly reduces the individual user's risk of death, a public health strategy based upon promoting such nicotine-administration products may save few if any lives - Study