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Albanian Minerals Press releases

121 - 130 of 288 Press Releases

Jul 12, 2011
Sahit Muja said "Albanian Minerals expects gold demand to double to 5000 tonnes in 5 years".

Jul 12, 2011
Albanian Minerals President Sahit Muja said "Albanian Minerals is investing in China and Russia presently and is looking to expend investment's in Russia"

Jul 07, 2011
Albanian Minerals President and CEO Sahit Muja said "Only private sector growth can sustain prosperity in U.S Economy and The private sector is being derailed in part by U.S Governments by planing tax increases

Jul 06, 2011
Albanian Minerals CEO Sahit Muja said "There is not match between Google and Facebook by any means. Google is the king"

Jul 06, 2011
Albanian Minerals President and CEO Sahit Muja said "Oil, gold and silver demand in China and India has soared to the highest levels this year".

Jul 04, 2011
Albanian Minerals President Sahit Muja said "Demand for Iron ore, coal, oil, natural gas, aluminum , nickel, chrome ore, ferrochrome has sharp increase in China and India" .

Jul 04, 2011
Albanian Minerals President and CEO said "Copper demand will outstrips production output forecasts of 3 percent this year as global demand for copper are expected to increase 10 percent in 2011".

Jul 01, 2011
Sahit Muja: Socialism works great until you run out of “other people’s money”. Guess what, we're out of money and We have a 14.2 trillion in debt .

Jul 01, 2011
Global production of gold was 2 500 tonnes in 2010, Albanian Minerals expects gold demand to double to 5000 tonnes in 5 years.

Jun 29, 2011
Albanian Minerals President and CEO Sahit Muja said "On the supply side, the miners may need to bring more gold to meet increasing market demand".

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