Jan 06, 2012
Real economic justice will come when government is reducing the ridiculously high US corporate tax rate along with crushing paper work and regulations that discourage companies from expansion and hiring.
Jan 06, 2012
Sahit Muja " In my view the euro will collapse, because I just don’t see a way for Europe to come up with a viable plan to use the single currency across such a wide range of divergent economies" .
Jan 05, 2012
Sahit Muja: The Obama's hypocrisy is astounding, President Obama love the "millionaires, billionaires" and hide this love affair from American people.
Jan 04, 2012
Sahit Muja: Romney is President Obama's most dangerous opponent.
Jan 03, 2012
Sahit Muja Time for the Iranian people to have their own Persian spring and overthrow the Ayatollah's and President Ahmadinejad before the rest of the world have no other option.
Jan 02, 2012
Sahit Muja: President Obama will try in 2012 election to weasel out of his responsibility as President of the United States
Jan 02, 2012
The Government has been on a life support machine for nearly 5 year now and all attempts to revive it have failed.
Dec 31, 2011
Another 4 years of Obama will be the final downfall of this once great country.
Dec 30, 2011
Sahit Muja: I urge a Republicans, Independents to vote for Romney as well as Democrats
Dec 29, 2011
President Obama has nothing to show for his 4 years except for economic devastation, $15.2 trillion in debt, over 45 million Americans on food stamps and 15 million unemployed Americans .