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Allen Maintenance Janitorial Press releases

171 - 180 of 184 Press Releases

Nov 06, 2016
Conducting business in a filthy environment isn't a pleasurable experience. After all, who wants to be in an environment that threatens their health?

Nov 03, 2016
Establishing an online brand name, is challenging but overcoming such challenges can be easy.

Oct 31, 2016
The office kitchenette is a sacred place of dining; therefore, respect others and practice good cleaning etiquette.

Oct 29, 2016
Respecting strangers is common courtesy; at least it should be. Kudos to those who respects others'.

Oct 26, 2016
Washing hands is still very important; and using hand sanitizer should become second nature.

Oct 24, 2016
Local Michigan business owners' still aren't relying on professional janitorial and cleaning services. But why?

Oct 21, 2016
Allen Maintenance Inc. prides itself on being the best commercial cleaning service provider in the State of Michigan. After all, competition is fierce!

Oct 13, 2016
There is a growing concern about the spread of germs and bacteria viruses in the State of Michigan.

Oct 10, 2016
Good janitorial services aren't as hard to find in the State of Michigan as some assume.

Oct 07, 2016
Janitorial commercial cleaning shouldn't cause business owners to snarl at monthly cost. After all, investing in commercial cleaning, is a plus for all business owners'.

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