Sep 22, 2023
A growing list of mini-courses covers critical topics, each with over 4 hours of lecture presentations, so clinicians can earn 4+ AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™ fast
Aug 25, 2023
Physicians undergo years of training that can leave them under-focused on managing their finances and careers, this course is designed to help
Aug 18, 2023
Physicians benefit from over nine hours of in-depth lectures designed specifically to help them grow and protect their wealth
Aug 10, 2023
Dr. Resnick presents "Legal Armor for the Psychiatric Practitioner" with American Physician Institute as a new online course
Aug 03, 2023
With a ground-breaking algorithm that customizes a program for each individual, exact delivers personalized board review schedules, study plans, and resources to address knowledge gaps
Jul 26, 2023
As obesity treatment plans for patients increasingly rely on medication, it's vital that practitioners know common obesity medications and strategies for optimal patient weight loss
Jul 07, 2023
With Research-Led Changes in Medical Technology, The Healthcare Sector is Primed for Rapid Development and Innovation