Oct 10, 2014
During this extraordinary week, community leaders and humane organizations across Illinois will be hosting wonderful animal-related events. Educators, youth, businesses and caring citizens will be joining to celebrate and help animals!
Sep 27, 2014
During this extraordinary week in New York, community leaders and humane organizations across the state will be hosting exciting animal-related events. Advocates, educators, youth, and caring citizens will be joining to celebrate and help animals!
Sep 06, 2014
Throughout the week of September 6-14, 2014 animal sanctuaries, humane orgs, rescue groups, and agencies throughout the India will be highlighted. Advocates, humane orgs, and caring citizens are in the spotlight for all to assist in helping them.
Aug 15, 2014
This exciting governor-supported celebration will turn the spotlight on and recognize the unique and life-changing role that animals play in the lives of citizens through all walks of life.
Jul 29, 2014
The special celebration will highlight the importance that African animals play in the world and provide opportunities to protect and conserve the ever-growing endangered species of Africa.
Jun 25, 2014
Exciting events will shine the spotlight on the amazing animals, organizations, and compassionate people in the United Kingdom and Ireland who love and work on their behalf everyday.
Jun 14, 2014
Through the dynamic week, shelters, and humane organizations across the beautiful state of North Carolina will be hosting life-saving, animal-related events. Fun-filled activities to help animals and become involved is spotlighted all week.
May 23, 2014
Washington D.C. Week for the Animals will bring together humane organizations, shelters, sanctuaries, businesses, advocates, community leaders, decision makers and caring citizens in an action-packed, compassionate week of fun-filled activities.
Apr 19, 2014
Throughout the exciting week, shelters, welfare groups, and humane organizations across the beautiful state of Kentucky will be celebrating animals and hosting special life-saving events!
Feb 13, 2014
Throughout the special week animal shelters, caring citizens and humane organizations across the entire state will be hosting scores of wonderful animal-related special events to celebrate Florida's animals.