Apr 24, 2010
A masterpiece in humor, "THE SECOND VENICE" by Askin Ozcan, wants to be a film, after winning the hearts of humor-lovers the world over.
Apr 21, 2010
The Icelandic vulcano eruption caused already billions of dollars of damage. There is a lot of gossip about its causes and consequences. Here are some of them.
Apr 17, 2010
Although this title suggests a humorous consideration, it can be an inspiration for a lucrative business.
Apr 15, 2010
"THE SECOND VENICE" is a humorous masterpiece by Askin Ozcan. It is for everyone who loves Venice and humor! (ISBN 1598000888 - Outskirts Press)
Apr 05, 2010
"Humor", just like food, music, love, is an important part of our lives, in our quest for health and happiness.
Apr 02, 2010
Individuals and institutions race with one another to make fool of the others, on April 1. Here is an excellent joke Swedish TV made on April 1.
Mar 30, 2010
A fantastic romantic thriller by Askin Ozcan, is looking for a producer to conqueor the hearts of film lovers the world over.
Mar 27, 2010
"THE SECOND VENICE" by Askin Ozcan is a legendary masterpiece of humor. After its publication in the U.S.A., it is now looking for a publisher in Italy, to publish this terrific book in Italian and other languages. The book promises excellent sales.
Mar 24, 2010
I have experienced many miracles in my life. Some really big, some small. Thirty of these, I related in my book "SMALL MIRACLES" - ISBN 1598001000 (Outskirts Press) Here, I shall relate five small, but wonderful miracles which happened to me.
Mar 23, 2010
An incredible, humorous masterpiece by Architect Askin Ozcan, which became Nr. 1 among the top rated books in ITALY MAGAZINE, can bring you substantial profits.