Nov 09, 2020
No matter what your political leanings, voter fraud has no place in the USA and both sides need to work in unity until the current voter fraud allegations are either proven or disproven
Nov 06, 2020
Small Publishers with Children's Books Perfect for Lockdowns, Home Schooling, and when Trapped for a Few Days by an Avalanche
Nov 06, 2020
"The World's Most Active Time Bomb" at Fukushima is Getting Worse by the Minute
Jun 01, 2020
Positive, Fun, Cool Stories With Zero Agenda. Uncomplicated, Like Childhood was Meant to Be!
Feb 27, 2020
Coronavirus threat adds to health concerns already brewing after nuclear radiation contamination from Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan
Feb 25, 2020
Add Coronavirus threats to the enduring aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and you have serious health questions surrounding Japan's 2020 Olympics
Jun 11, 2019
At a book signing, author Tim O'Shenko spoke about his latest work "Lake George New York circa 1900: A retrospective in black & white photographs" which features an amazing collection of Lake George area historical black and white photos from the...
May 28, 2019
How might the enduring aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster impact the health of those attending the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo especially with some games scheduled to be physically held in Fukushima?
Apr 02, 2019
In light of another serious cancer diagnosis, author calls for independent scientists and doctors to check Olympic facilities and surrounding areas for radiation levels
Mar 22, 2019
In light of yet another cancer diagnosis, author calls for independent scientists and doctors to check Olympic facilities and surrounding areas for radiation levels