Aug 24, 2014
We condemn the recent attacks on Atatürk statues by factional Kurdish PKK terrorists in South East Turkey — in Hakkari, Batman, Diyarbakir and Silopi. The monuments and statues of Atatürk represent far more than inanimate marble and bronze objects.
Apr 20, 2013
EU and USA have been heaping praise on Turkey for ‘democratisation,’ while turning a blind eye on the mass arrests of journalists, former military commanders, and other critics of the regime, mostly on trumped up charges.
May 13, 2012
Atatürk Society of America presents Atatürk Free Press and Democracy Award to Honorable Oktay Ekşİ, member of Turkish parliament and legendary journalist and recognizes journalists under arrest in Turkey.
May 13, 2012
Atatürk Society of America presents Atatürk Free Press and Democracy Award to Honorable Oktay Ekşİ, member of Turkish parliament and legendary journalist and recognizes journalists under arrest in Turkey
Nov 06, 2011
The representatives of the EU get a failing grade for heaping praise on Turkey for democratization while turning a blind eye on the mass arrests of journalists, former military commanders and critics of the regime on trumped up charges.
Jun 10, 2011
Ataturk societies of the united states of america and the united kingdom strongly oppose the turkish ruling party’s declared intention to change “turkey’s founding principles” protected by the current constitution
Jun 09, 2011
Ataturk societies of the United States of America and the United Kingdom strongly oppose the Turkish ruling party’s declared intention to change “Turkey’s founding principles” protected by the current constitution!