Feb 10, 2014
Veteran marketer Christina Motley to share the variety of forms and skills necessary for effective communication to nearly 100 students studying the Principles of Business & Personal Finance and Teen Living classes at Wakefield High, Wake County, NC.
Jan 21, 2014
The Wake County, NC Student Government Association Leadership Conference attendees to focus on Christina Motley’s presentation “Keys to Effective Leadership” at Wakefield High School.
Jan 13, 2014
Award winning author Jon Batson will discuss writing and publishing at Old Books on Front Street in Wilmington, NC at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 19,2013. The event is free and open to the public.
Jan 01, 2014
Chief Marketing Officer-on-demand Christina Motley helps Triangle business owners power up their marketing skills at Women's Power Networking Power Lunch January, 10, 2014 in Raleigh.
Dec 20, 2013
Nine authors from school-age youngsters to seasoned seniors featured at fundraiser at The City Club in Wilmington’s holiday literary event December 16, 2013.
Dec 01, 2013
Known for breaking a few fire codes, sharing pearls of workplace wisdom with the loyal viewers of the My Carolina Today morning show or NPR, Olalah Njenga, a 5′ 3″ champion of small business, is all about connecting and sharing.
Nov 07, 2013
The 2nd Annual Raleigh Artists and Authors Showcase, November 10, 2013 in Boylan Heights, celebrates creativity with a variety of art works and books just in time for holiday gifting.
Oct 30, 2013
Jason “Molotov” Mitchell a Certified Gold Level 6 instructor of Krav Maga earns black belt in Israeli combat fighting system. Krav Maga black belts are rare; there are only a few hundred in the United States.
Oct 28, 2013
Inspired by the June International Women’s Forum in Salt Lake City, co-founder of Women’s Power Networking Marilyn Shannon with members Autonnette McLaughlin and Heidi Mazur set about finding a way for women to network virtually.
Oct 21, 2013
Artists and authors capture their imaginings to share with others. Be part of the experience at the 2nd Annual Raleigh Artist and Authors Showcase November 10, 2013.