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Buddyinterest Press releases

1 - 7 of 7 Press Releases

Feb 25, 2015
In the last decade millions of people have made social technologies as part of their lives. Social technologies pervades through constraints of time, distance, national boundaries, and culture.

Jul 29, 2014
Employee engagement is not rocket science. Yet it is the most difficult engagement opportunity many companies struggle with. It is about keeping things simple, fun, and engaging.

Jul 18, 2014
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one key ingredient that you cannot afford to ignore, to be a socially and globally accepted brand. This ingredient CSR served using Buddyinterest on a social platter will definitely spice up your business.

Jul 02, 2014
Most small businesses rely on lenders to provide the capital they need to open a business. Buddyinterest makes it simple, safe and transparent to seek and discover low cost capital from friends and family using social networks and facebook.

Jun 12, 2014
Online social financial network Buddyinterest is using the FIFA world cup to enter into one of the worlds largest developing economy by helping fans to stay connected financially with their friends and family back home.

Jun 06, 2014
Refinance existing student loans or borrow from your network to pay for your tuition fees using Buddyinterest

Jun 02, 2014
Circumvent high interest bank loan rates and even higher interest rates charged by loan sharks. Connect, discover and transact with the people you trust for free. Experience social financial convergence.

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