Oct 23, 2013
Jacksonville-based author J.B. Wolfe’s novel "Squeeze" will be released by Melange Books on October 23, 2013. Wolfe’s heroine, Wendy Calloway, struggles with her afterlife in his novel "Squeeze."
Sep 27, 2013
Jacksonville entertainment icon BigJeff Streif will perform at halftime during “Gritty in Pink”, the Cherry Bomb Charmers’ junior roller derby mixed scrimmage, to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure® on October 6th.
Sep 14, 2013
The Cherry Bomb Charmers junior roller derby team is proud to announce Mazda City of Orange Park as a “Grand Slam Jam” level sponsor for their October 6th Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Invitational.
Sep 02, 2013
Jacksonville author J.B. Wolfe launches JBWolfeBooks.com, a website which will support and promote Wolfe’s novels Waite for Midnight and Squeeze.
Sep 02, 2013
Jacksonville-based author J.B. Wolfe’s novel Waite for Midnight was recently released by Melange Books. Wolfe’s heroine, KGB agent Vivian Waite, explores questions of personal identity amidst the paranoia and intrigue of Cold War Florida.
Aug 31, 2013
The Cherry Bomb Charmers junior roller derby team with guests, the SK8 City Sirens and the ACR Stingers, will host their first Breast Cancer Awareness Charity Invitational at 6:00pm on Sunday, October 6th.
Jul 29, 2013
Jacksonville’s Fascinatin’ Rhythm Studio of Dance will perform at halftime during the junior roller derby bout between Orange Park’s own Cherry Bomb Charmers, and the SK8 City Sirens in Orange Park, Florida on August 4th.
Jul 10, 2013
Orange Park’s own junior roller derby team, the Cherry Bomb Charmers, will skate in their first 2013 home bout on August 4th, defending their turf against the SK8 City Sirens in Orange Park, Florida.
Apr 15, 2013
The Tri-County Rolling Militia’s junior roller derby team, the Cherry Bomb Charmers, will skate in their first 2013 intra-league exhibition bout on April 21st in Orange Park, Florida.
Mar 23, 2013
The Cherry Bomb Charmers junior roller derby team today launched its newly designed website, http://cherrybombcharmers.com, which coincides with the launch of the Charmers’ “Open Recruitment” initiative.