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Carbon Neutral Energy Group Press releases

1 - 5 of 5 Press Releases

Mar 07, 2011
European Commission gives Austrian and Polish emission registries the go-ahead to reopen on 07 March.

Mar 04, 2011
Several of the leading energy companies in Europe have said they support more stringent cuts for greenhouse gas emissions.

Mar 03, 2011
Australia may phase in an emissions trading program after launching a tax which could later be converted into a floating price.

Mar 03, 2011
Republicans in Congress hope to push a bill through that will permanently stop the Environmental Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions, according to a senior Congressional aide.

Mar 03, 2011
Over two decades after the supertanker struck a reef unleashing the U.S.’s worst tanker oil spill, a lingering legal battle returns to court.

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