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CSG PR Press releases

11 - 20 of 39 Press Releases

Jul 22, 2009
“Closing the Gaps: Meeting Emerging Student Preferences and Increasing Yield in the Post-Inquiry Enrollment Process” Added to EducationDynamics’ Online Resource Library.

Jul 21, 2009
Strategic partnership enables EducationDynamics to expand in-depth market analysis, filling a critical intelligence gap that exists in higher education marketing.

Jun 10, 2009
William Hansen and Scott Fleming say all sectors of higher education may face increased scrutiny to improve student retention and completion rates, and data reporting efforts.

Jun 01, 2009
Complementing the upcoming Webinar “Now What? Political Implications of the New Administration on Higher Education,” blog launches to report the latest news and trends in higher education.

May 28, 2009
Preeminent educational authorities will address how colleges and universities can leverage the new Administration to their benefit as part of a complimentary Webinar series.

May 26, 2009
LeadWatch Live’s ability to increase success rate of online lead generation campaigns cited as key purchase consideration

May 06, 2009
Student Relationship Manager fuses real-time tracking with unprecedented intelligence to help boost student snrollment and retention.

Mar 23, 2009
Higher education’s leading marketing company provides the solution to President Barack Obama’s Access and Completion Incentive Fund.

Mar 05, 2009
2,000 respondents reveal their secret likes and dislikes in the enrollment process.

Mar 04, 2009
Despite the economic turndown, provider of student relationship management services is thriving and expanding its executive team.

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