Apr 26, 2014
Co-founder of vinnco Pty Ltd, Glenn Connolly, has decided to leave the company to persue other activities.Fellow co-founder Jacob Gough has assumed control of vinnco and continue to drive it forward with aggressive international development plans.
Apr 22, 2014
Norman Ohl, Finally Launches his website to share his thoughts and ramblings on Management and Business in the 21st Century
Apr 16, 2014
Dedicated Mobile sites like F1 Cars are precise machines with everything there for a purpose, features that at the click of a button will supply what consumers want to see at lightning speed rather than Bus like pace and Optimised Site scroll
Apr 07, 2014
Yes business today will still run down the path of spending the national debt on a desktop website and all sorts of SEO and Social Media stuff to support that big screen when very few people are looking at it.
Mar 29, 2014
To go Mobile or stick to Desktop websites is a question being asked every day in the mind of any business. What’s the answer? Well, it’s on the Tip of your Tongue!
Mar 25, 2014
Relying more on, “Miracles” than common sense or hard work, Software or Systems rather than gut feeling or street sense. Yes Business Owners truly believe that forcing consumers to download something is going to be the Miracle or Game Changer.
Mar 16, 2014
UGLY= Unpleasant to look at. Yes that is what it says in the Dictionary about Ugly, no getting away from it, straight up if something is UGLY? It’s not good to look at Well I’m here to tell you, a lot of FREE Websites? Are just plain UGLY!
Mar 06, 2014
The Dark Ages are back.91 per cent of small business’ website are not accessible via mobile, 50% have no Social Media presence, God knows what percentage do not have any Mobile Promotional Plan at all. Business keeps forgetting life is Mobile!
Mar 04, 2014
A Mobile website is not the only “Special Tool” to get customers running into your business, you also need, “A Little Elbow Grease”
Feb 27, 2014
It is tough to make someone change the way they do something when they have been doing it the same way for a long time, now I have the perfect advice for people wanting to make a desktop site into a Mobile, make sure your Website? Is not a Old Dog.