Castellex Ltd. Press releases
Apr 19, 2024
Castellex, a leading provider of NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) air filtration systems, reaffirms its dedication to saving lives by extending its mission to the people of Ukraine.
Apr 06, 2020
Coronavirus has taken the world by surprise. In just a few months, it's spread from China to nearly every nation on the planet. We just recently surpassed 1,000,000 cases worldwide.
Feb 28, 2020
Nessuno si aspettava le navi della morte. Ma a metà ottobre del 1347, giunsero a Messina, un porto siciliano. Dodici navi, cariche di merci – e della Morte Nera.
Jan 28, 2020
No one expected the death ships. But in mid-October of 1347, they arrived in Messina, a Sicilian port. Twelve ships, loaded with cargo – and the Black Death.
Nov 04, 2019
Poor quality air in Delhi irreversibly damages the lungs of 2.2 million or 50% of children. Air pollution is already the fifth largest killer in India. Now situation gone worse – now pollution 400 times above safe levels.
May 09, 2019
La contaminación del aire puede ser un problema en el que no piensas, pero la verdad es que deberías hacerlo. Porque nada es más vital para la vida que respirar, y el aire que respiramos, incluso en interiores, está extremadamente contaminado.
Apr 30, 2019
Air pollution may be a problem you don't think about, but the truth is - you should. Because nothing is more vital to life than breathing - and the air we breathe, even indoors, is extremely polluted.
Mar 27, 2019
La situación nuclear continúa agravándose y perturba la paz mundial. Solo es cuestión de tiempo para que se tomen medidas de prevención efectivas antes de que la situación se salga de control. Recientemente, los términos entre los EE.UU.
Mar 14, 2019
The nuclear situation continues to aggravate and disrupt global peace. It is about time to take real precautionary measures before the situation gets out of hand.
Mar 09, 2019
India vs Pakistan International relations between nuclear nations have been receiving attention like never before.