Aug 14, 2014
Casting New Lives, LLC arranges speaking engagements in conjunction with book launch.
Aug 04, 2014
Aug. 4, 2014 JONATHAN KARRANT The Not So Standard Standards Performing his songs from his current album “On and On”, which recently hit #4 in the All About Jazz charts August 6, 2014 AT 54 BELOW, BROADWAY’S SUPPER CLUB 54 BELOW, Broadway’s Supper...
Aug 01, 2014
Proudly introducing, Badlands: A Tribute to the Music of Bruce Springsteen
Jul 10, 2014
Donny Most – Sings and Swings! Sunday, July 13th 8:00 PM / $20.00 Willlie Scoppettone – Saxophone (Musical Director) Will Artope – Trumpet Ryan Porter – Trombone John Storie – Guitar Peter Smith – Piano Trevor Ware – Bass Jake Reed –...
Jun 16, 2014
Get ready for an opportunity to leap into a fantastic Kickstarter campaign: Dr. Clef. Dr. Clef is a new app for your tablet that will reform the way music is learned and taught to all age groups.
Jun 03, 2014
Tim Hauser's "I Made Sauce" campaign bubbles over with success!
May 27, 2014
Jazz singer turned chef, Tim Hauser of The Manhattan Transfer wants you to try his premium tomato based Italian style pasta sauces.
May 21, 2014
Casting New Lives, is proud to announce actor, producer, and crooner of song, Don Most on our roster.
May 19, 2014
We are very pleased and excited to have this entertainer of star quality on our roster. Karrant's most recent album “On and On”, hit #4 in the All About Jazz charts.