Coldfire Inc. Press releases
Feb 26, 2010
Sadly, once women have stretch marks, it’s too late to do much about them because these types of skin imperfections can not be erased. They can only be prevented. Planning or pregnant? You may want to read this article carefully.
Feb 17, 2010
A Stimulating summary of the latest research into the effects of drinking Caffeine during pregnancy. Most recent studies conclude that caffeine intake during pregnancy does not impose a major public health issue with regard to fetal health. .
Feb 17, 2010
This is the latest information regarding the Swine Flu Pandemic. It continues that the majority of hospitalized, severely ill women infected with H1N1 were in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.
Feb 10, 2010
Dr Michele Brown OB/ GYN reports on some misleading ingredients which should be avoided by breast feeding mothers.
Feb 01, 2010
Dr MicheleBrown OB/GYN reports on Insecticides containing pesticides and how to avoid the adverse outcome of ones containing the chemicals DEET or Permathin.
Feb 01, 2010
More research needs to be done that takes into account , the force of the collision, whether a seat belt was used in conjunction with the airbag and the effects it can have on pregnant women and their unborn fetus.
Feb 01, 2010
Recalls of Tylenol and products containing Tylenol has confused many regarding the safety of swallowing this simple pain reliever as this recall came in the middle of the flu season. Swine flu is especially risky for pregnant women.
Jan 11, 2010
Dr. Michele Brown, OBGYN and Founder of Beauté de Maman, Natural Products for the Pregnant Woman, has released her latest article regarding the relationship between lanolin, pesticides, and the breast feeding woman. Dr. Brown's opinion is clear.
Jan 07, 2010
Beauté de Maman, a line of natural and herbal products for the pregnant women, was chosen as a Must Haves-Holiday Highlight in the December, 2009 issue of Pregnancy Magazine and was also included in the magazine's 120 Best Products of 2009.
Dec 19, 2009
With the holiday season rapidly approaching, listening to music can have physiologic effects on the pregnant woman which can result in positive effects on mood, stress and anxiety.