Jan 12, 2016
IEEE Communications Society of Santa Clara Valley (www.comsocscv.org) announced today the availability of tickets for the state-of-the-art workshop on autonomous and connected vehicles being held at Texas Instruments (Santa Clara, CA) on 13-Janu-2016
Oct 27, 2015
IEEE Communications Society of Santa Clara Valley (www.comsocscv.org) announced today the availability of tickets for the state-of-the-art workshop on 5G mobile communications being held at Google (Mountain View, CA) on 16-November-2015
Apr 16, 2012
Concurrent announced today the certification of its CAEFEM / Lumino Software Suite with Autodesk Inventor software for low cost, fast and reliable simulation in computer aided design/engineering (CAD/CAE) and virtual prototyping using FEA.
Jan 23, 2012
Concurrent announced today the launch of Lumino, its new 3D modeler and pre- & post-processor engine and updates to its FEA solver suite CAEFEM, for low cost, fast and reliable simulation in computer aided design/engineering and virtual prototyping.