Aug 19, 2010
Conicelli Autoplex dealerships in Conshohocken PA are a Main Event Sponsor for the 18th Annual Conshy FunFest charity event on September 11, 2010. The event features fire company tributes to the heroes of 9/11, 5K Run, music, food, and fun.
Jun 29, 2010
Conicelli Autoplex, a Conshohocken auto dealer, plans Silent Auction as part of Greater Norristown PAL 10th Annual International Food and Wine Extravaganza on September 9, 2010. The auction to benefit PAL is chaired by Donna Conicelli.
Feb 25, 2010
Conicelli Autoplex in Conshohocken has extended the Conicelli Mr. Nice Guy magnet contest through March 31, 2010. Honda, Hyundai, Nissan, and Toyota stores make up its 1200 Ridge Pike location, which offers free magnets to willing participants.
Sep 15, 2009
Conicelli Autoplex, a Philadelphia auto dealer of Honda, Nissan, Toyota, and Hyundai , will donate coats for needy kids, one per every car sold in September. The program is through Operation Warm and Auto Dealers Association of Greater Philadelphia.