May 08, 2019
Climate change is high on the agenda as we are faced with the prospect of the extinction of millions of species on Earth.
Feb 27, 2018
Holidays in Britain are at bargain prices in 2018, a low pound has made a holiday in the British Isles a truly attractive prospect for overseas visitors but all is not good.
Aug 09, 2017
We have all seen the challenges facing media companies over the last few years as circulation numbers of newspapers and magazines plumb new depths. News, as it happens, is available through a variety of media: radio, television, the internet.
Aug 08, 2017
Like the idea or hate it, the future in the UK looks electric with electric cars set to become the norm if the government manages to achieve its plan.
Aug 04, 2017
Posh vacation rentals in the Cotswolds at bargain prices thanks to falling Sterling
Jul 05, 2016 have conducted a survey on the hidden history of some of their historical properties and have released information on the most fascinating responses.
Jan 07, 2016
Have you ever noticed how the nature of your dreams changes depending on where you sleep, as if there is a subconscious process by which our resting and impressionable minds absorb the vibes around us to create new thoughts and fanciful illusions?...
Dec 31, 2015
From holiday houses that famous people have stayed in to holiday homes that have featured in films or TV shows, England is home to some truly amazing vacation rentals.
Aug 28, 2015
Certain county councils are employing debt collectors to chase foreign tourists for unpaid parking fines. If anything is going to deter return tourists and earn Britain a bad reputation, it is the attitude of penalising our foreign visitors.
Aug 03, 2015
Pets welcome cottages are where pets needs are important and every effort is made to ensure the comfort of your pet.