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Credit-Yogi Press releases

121 - 127 of 127 Press Releases

Aug 09, 2012
Many people would like to have a better or newer vehicle, but aren’t sure about how to get financing for it. The ensuing information will give you facts you should know about the auto refinance rate in your area.

Aug 08, 2012
The quick way to rebuild credit is to begin with some small loan or a small credit line and move forward from there. Before you can do that you may need help rebuild credit, and that is where the best credit report companies enter into the picture.

Aug 07, 2012
Paying off your credit card debt is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It helps your credit rating, and it makes you feel good. The following information will give you some tips to pay off debt and methods by which to do it quickly.

Aug 06, 2012
Hundreds of homeowners are facing foreclosure these days. Whether due to changes in monthly household finances or unexpected financial emergencies, many people are looking at having to give up their homes.

Aug 01, 2012
If you’re facing car repossession and need help on stopping it, the following information will help you make some decisions.

Jul 31, 2012
Hundreds of people just like you have bad credit. It isn’t usually a situation one gets into purposefully; sometimes things just happen and you can’t meet up to the payment agreements you made.

Jul 30, 2012
How do credit repair companies work? Only after you have the answer to that important question are you ready to learn how to rebuild credit fast. Much more valuable and free information is available at

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