Nov 07, 2011
IPATA presented the 2011 Millie Woolf Memorial Leadership Award to Manuel Luenda at the IPATA International Conference in Hong Kong. Luenda, IPATA president-elect, is owner of Las Lunas in Argentina.
Nov 07, 2011
IPATA, the non-profit organization dedicated to the care and welfare of pets and animals during transport, presented the 2011 Industry Partner Award to Lisa Meador Schoppa of Continental Airlines at the IPATA International Conference in Hong Kong.
Nov 05, 2011
The IPATA International Conference, the world's largest gathering of pet shipping professionals, commences in Hong Kong.
Oct 18, 2011
Cunningham Strategic Communications has been selected to present, “Media Advocacy: A Strategy for Advancing Policy Initiatives,” at the 2011 Annual Fall Massachusetts Nonprofit Network/Associated Grant Makers Conference & Expo.
Jul 13, 2011
As the nation prepares for extreme heat this week, the International Pet and Animal Transportation Association (IPATA) reminds pet owners that special precautions need to be taken when traveling with pets during the summer months.
Feb 01, 2010
Starting today and lasting through February 26, Cunningham Strategic Communications is hosting Let Us Be Your Valentine, a contest that will give away six months of free public relations services to one deserving nonprofit organization.
Apr 13, 2009
Cunningham Strategic Communications today launches PR Made Simple!, a personalized training program that provides nonprofits and small businesses the necessary tools they need to implement their own PR campaigns—without making a huge investment.
Jan 06, 2009
As the country recovers from Wall Street’s recent meltdown, nonprofit organizations must continue to communicate with their members and donors. Here are six tips for groups that want to rise above the recession and raise awareness of their mission.