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Curix Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Press releases

101 - 110 of 136 Press Releases

Oct 12, 2018
Special templates can help the busy business person save time on preparing presentations and make them more attractive and interesting to the audience.

Sep 26, 2018
Buying paintings online has become a very simple procedure. One can select form a wide number of choices of paintings, and on a mouse click you own a piece of art.

Sep 26, 2018
The presence of a multitude of competitors in a single industry is a sign that indicates you need to put in more work if you want to survive. Market saturation is everywhere; there are thousands of businesses that are selling the same services.

Sep 13, 2018
PowerPoint has now become a necessity in every organization and for every individual. People make lots of PowerPoint presentations and use PowerPoint design templates to make them attractive.

Sep 11, 2018
The mission of productspypro is to make product research as intuitive as possible with few clicks and strive to come up with solutions to make product research easier.

Sep 07, 2018
Marketing presentations take many forms, but probably the most common is presenting a new marketing initiative/campaign internally to the rest of your company.

Sep 07, 2018 was founded in 2009 with primary purpose of making modern, high quality artworks accessible to everyone at affordable rates. We started with a small team of 2, and few hundred artworks from handful of artists.

Sep 06, 2018
WHM reseller hosting gives you the freedom to manage your client's hosting accounts and help you earn a significant portion of money in return.

Sep 06, 2018
In this day and age, avoiding technology in the workplace is like trying to avoid dairy at an ice cream shop. The best we can hope for is to harness technology and control its use. Controlling the use of technology in the conference room is no different.

Aug 24, 2018
Proteus Industries Inc. Flow Meters use a simple turbine principle to generate a pulse output that is directly proportional to the instantaneous flow rate.

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