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Development Innovations LLC Press releases

31 - 40 of 57 Press Releases

Aug 20, 2014
It's time to take a look at the newest releases for Takoff Running! Currently available of the Google Play Store and Amazon App Store, This app is sweeping through France and everyone is getting in on the fun.

Aug 19, 2014
While Development Innovations has just released it’s newest version on Google Play, there certainly is more to come. Coming this week, the release of TakeOff Running on Apple and Amazon app stores is going to be the biggest news yet.

Aug 18, 2014
While Development Innovations has just released it’s newest version on Google Play, there certainly is more to come. Coming this week, the release of TakeOff Running on Apple and Amazon app stores is going to be the biggest news yet.

Aug 15, 2014
Development Innovations has released the latest update for TakeOff Running to the Google Play Store and gamers in Egypt are making their presence known on the leaderboards. The new updates are quite a stir and the Egyptians want to be a part of it.

Aug 14, 2014
TakeOff Running is already become a sensational topic of interest in the country of Turkey. While gamers over there are enjoying this game to the nines, it's popularity is continuing to soar. The new updates were just released today and they love it.

Aug 14, 2014
The newest version of TakeOff Running has been introduced to the world and the gamers in India are absolutely loving it. The 1.3 version is filled with enhanced features and even more fun. Not to mention, there's a better overall gameplay now.

Aug 13, 2014
While Thailand if known for being beautiful and colorful, it's Full Moon Parties are known for being exciting and very enticing. Natives of this beautiful place are comparing the gameplay of TakeOff Running to these awesome events.

Aug 13, 2014
Development Innovations makes an appearance in Saudi Arabia with it's newest version of TakeOff Running. This app is available on Google Play Store & the Amazon App Store and has already been flooded from gamers in the Saudi Arabia region.

Aug 12, 2014
Everyone wondered what the next move would be for this company and their upcoming projects. They wondered what would be in store for TakeOff Running. Well, downloading the newest version is will generate tons of satisfaction for gamers.

Aug 07, 2014
Development Innovations has released TakeOff Running to show that all infinite running games are not all the same. TakeOff Running is chock full of amazing upgrades, map designs and cool characters to boot. The freebies are simply genius.

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