Feb 05, 2010
Nolo Contendere plea in Rhode Island Criminal Law is sometimes a conviction but is often not a conviction. Whether or not a plea of Nolo Contendere constitutes a conviction depends on the sentence imposed.
Feb 05, 2010
A filing is a sentence that is typically offered for first time offenders for relatively minor misdemeanors. The case is put aside for a year and if the person stays out of trouble for a year then the case is eligible to be expunged and destroyed
Jan 17, 2010
"No fault divorce" does not mean that fault is not significant! Fault can be extremely significant in Rhode Island Divorce.
Jan 17, 2010
Rhode Island Divorce Attorney, David Slepkow, explores the different types of uncontested Divorce in Rhode Island (RI) and explains the process of obtaining an uncontested divorce.
Jan 09, 2010
East Providence RI Criminal Law Attorney
Jan 09, 2010
Rhode Island Probation Law by a RI Criminal Defense Lawyer
Jan 03, 2010
This article discusses Child support Contempt in Rhode Island (RI) in detail including the differences between a finding of technical or willful contempt. Article by Rhode Island Child Support and Child Custody Lawyer David Slepkow.
Jan 03, 2010
This article addresses how to obtain personal belongings (property) such as clothes in Rhode Island (RI) when there is a criminal no contact order / Family Court restraining order or District Court Restraining Order in effect.
Jan 03, 2010
A "no contact order" means that the defendant is precluded from having any contact and or communication with the victim or the person under the protection of the no contact order. Article by Rhode Island Criminal Lawyer David Slepkow
Jan 03, 2010
The Rhode Island Supreme Court has made prenuptial agreements extremely difficult to set aside and invalidate. Article by a Rhode Island Divorce Attorney.