Jan 02, 2014
The Metabolism Miracle by Diane Kress. In two words: It Works
Nov 11, 2013
Sharecare, Dr. Oz’s online health and wellness platform, recognizes the most read diabetes advocates influencing the internet.
Aug 05, 2011
Millions of people around the world are born with the genetic predisposition to overproduction of the fat gain hormone, insulin. A calorie counting, low fat diet exacerbates the problem, actually causing added weight gain and major health risk!
Jan 21, 2011
Breast cancer has roots in insulin imbalance. The only way to balance insulin is through a diet and lifestyle that will allow the pancreas/liver to rest, rehab, and reprogram. The Metabolism Miracle is the program to kill the weed and plant flowers
Jan 21, 2011
Breast Cancer Prevention must BEGIN with balancing insulin and decreasing insulin resistance. The Metabolism Miracle: the lifestyle program built to rest/rehab/retrain insulin imbalance for weight loss, improved health and breast cancer prevention!
Jan 20, 2011
New research connects low Vitamin D and breast cancer. It's suggested that women should increase intake of Vitamin D as well as exposure to the sun. Low Vitamin D and breast cancer are related....in that they are both caused by insulin imbalance!