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Divine Design Press releases

11 - 15 of 15 Press Releases

Aug 07, 2010
Here's an audio book player so simple that even Grandma can use it. When author/publisher Eva Dillner discovered the Mi-Vox booth at the London Book Fair, she knew she’d found the best solution yet for her audio books.

Jun 04, 2010
Former Seattle native Eva Dillner shows her art in Seattle for the first time. She was one of fifteen artists selected to go to India with TellusArt for exhibits and workshops at Prince of Wales Museum in Mumbai and three other cities in India.

Nov 18, 2009
Eva Dillner is one of 15 Swedish artists chosen for the TellusArt project "Protect Wildlife Heritage - An Appeal by Children" Art Exhibition and Workshop by children and artists from Scandinavia and Asia at the Prince of Wales Museum in Mumbai, and..

Nov 12, 2009
Eva Dillner's art has been described as mystical, dreamy, inspiring, fantastic, emotional, healing - even orgasmic. Now you can visit her online art gallery anytime, anywhere. Gaze at one canvas or take a meditative journey with the slide show…

Nov 07, 2009
Presenting the Healing Art 2010 Calendar filled with Eva Dillner's art. Inspired by the enthusiastic response at art exhibits and trade shows, Eva felt the need to make this healing art available on a larger scale. Especially in these frugal times...

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