May 27, 2013
Singapore: Food & Beverage covers the market overview, market size and structure, expenditure, trade statistics, manufacturing, consumption, prices and regulations, key market trends, service and hygiene standards, and expansion strategies
May 20, 2013
India: Oil & Gas covers the sector overview, size, competitive landscape, environmental scanning, market trends, outlook, key economic indicators, reserves, exploration, crude oil, natural gas production trends, refining, consumption, trade, prices
May 20, 2013
Report on industry overview, industrial production index, consumer price index, gross domestic product, employment, industry performance, market trends and outlook, textile exports, imports, machinery restructuring, and industry investment
May 20, 2013
China: Telecommunications covers the country's overview of the telecommunications industry, landline voice services, the development of Internet, 3G network and smartphones in China.
Nov 02, 2012
The domestic telecom sector maintained stable this year, as the consumer demand recovered from the 2009-2010 plunge, according to market data.
Oct 23, 2012
Malaysia’s GDP grew by 5.4% in the second quarter of fiscal year 2012 backed by reviving exports. There was a six months lull in passenger traffic in the Malaysian aviation industry.
Oct 16, 2012
Construction activity in most SEE countries, for which data is available, declined in the first half of 2012, continuing a trend from 2011. The only gainers were Romania and Serbia.
Oct 11, 2012
The Indian economy experienced an economic slowdown with high inflation in fiscal year 2012. India’s steel industry also suffered a minor slowdown but managed to record a y/y consumption growth of 6.8% which was the second lowest in a decade.
Oct 10, 2012
Indonesia’s steel consumption grew robustly by 22.4% y/y to 10.95mn metric tonnes in 2011 in line with the growth in domestic steel demand.
Sep 20, 2012
India recorded its worst GDP in the last nine years with a 5.3% growth during the fourth quarter. Mirroring this, the Indian electronics industry also suffered a minor slowdown but managed to record a y/y growth of 10%.